

啶啶侧啶熰た啶ㄠぎ 啶曕啶傕お

At ICOM, we firmly believe that education extends beyond the walls of the classroom. One of the most cherished and impactful traditions at our school is the annual camps that cater to students from Years 5 to 12. These camps offer a transformative experience, nurturing personal growth, teamwork and resilience, all while have a great deal of fun in the process!

We are all about inclusiveness and providing equal opportunities to all students to participate in school camps. Recognising the importance of social bonding, we organise separate camps for girls and boys, ensuring everyone feels comfortable and confident to explore their potential.

School camps present a unique environment for students to step out of their comfort zone and embrace independence. Away from the familiarity of home, students are encouraged to make decisions, solve problems and adapt to new surroundings.聽 These experiences contribute significantly to building self- confidence and a sense of responsibility.

啶多た啶掂た啶班啶 啶啶 啶多ぞ啶た啶 啶灌啶:

  • 啶掂ぐ啷嵿し 5 啶多た啶掂た啶
  • 啶掂ぐ啷嵿し 8 啶嗋啶熰ぁ啷嬥ぐ 啶多た啶曕啶粪ぞ 啶啶班ぎ啶
  • 啶掂ぐ啷嵿し 7 啶多た啶栢ぐ 啶膏ぎ啷嵿ぎ啷囙げ啶 啶啶 啶多た啶掂た啶
  • 啶掂ぐ啷嵿し 9 啶多た啶掂た啶
  • 啶掂ぐ啷嵿し 12 啶多た啶掂た啶

啶多た啶掂た啶班啶 啶啶 啶ぞ啶 啶侧啶ㄠ 啶曕 啶侧ぞ啶

  • 啶多た啶曕啶粪啷嬥 啶斷ぐ 啶啶班ざ啶苦啷嵿し啶苦い 啶多た啶掂た啶 啶啶多啶掂ぐ啷嬥 啶曕 啶膏ぞ啶 啶涏啶熰 啶膏ぎ啷傕す啷
  • 啶膏啶氞ぞ啶 啶曕啶多げ 啶え啶距え啷 啶曕 啶夃う啷嵿う啷囙ざ啷嵿く 啶膏 啶啷囙う啶距ぐ 啶嗋啶熰ぁ啷嬥ぐ 啶斷ぐ 啶囙え啶∴啶 啶椸い啶苦さ啶苦ぇ啶苦く啶距啷
  • 啶膏ぎ啶膏啶ぞ-啶膏ぎ啶距ぇ啶距え 啶斷ぐ 啶膏ぞ啶ぞ啶溹た啶 啶曕啶多げ 啶啶 啶膏啶оぞ啶 啶曕ぐ啶むぞ 啶灌啷
  • 啶啶班啷冟い啶 啶掂た啶膏ぐ啷嵿啶, 啶囙げ啷囙啷嵿啷嵿ぐ啷夃え啶苦 啶掂た啶曕ぐ啷嵿し啶`啶 啶曕 啶︵啶 啶曕ぐ啶ㄠ 啶斷ぐ 啶啶曕じ 啶啶 啶膏啶оぞ啶 啶曕ぐ啶むぞ 啶灌啷
  • 啶啶班ざ啶苦啷嵿し啶苦い 啶掂た啶多啶粪啷嵿啷嬥 啶曕 啶膏ぞ啶 啶掂啶啷嵿い啶苦啶 啶曕啷嵿し啶距啶 - 啶栢啶 啶斷ぐ 啶栢啶侧イ
  • 啶班啶ぞ啶傕啶 啶︵た啶 (啶ぞ啶ㄠ 啶曕 啶椸啶啶ぞ啶班 啶熰啶, 啶班た啶侧 啶︵啶∴ぜ, 啶斷ぐ 啶呧ぇ啶苦)啷
  • 啶嗋い啷嵿ぎ啶ㄠた啶班啶ぐ啶むぞ 啶曕啶多げ 啶斷ぐ 啶膏啶掂い啶傕い啷嵿ぐ啶むぞ 啶曕 啶あ啶监ぞ啶むぞ 啶灌啷

啶呧啷嵿ぐ啶苦ぎ 啶溹ぞ啶ㄠ啶距ぐ啷

啶多た啶掂た啶 啶啶 啶啶-啶じ啷嵿い啷 啶侧啶椸啶 啶曕 啶曕啶啶た啶傕 啶曕 啶︵啶班ぞ啶 啶む啶班ぞ啶曕, 啶侧啶 啶啶︵げ 啶ぞ啶む啶班ぞ, 啶斷ぐ 啶ぞ啶班啶多ぎ啷夃げ啷 啶曕 啶膏ぞ啶 啶樴啶え啶, 啶斷ぐ 啶夃え啶曕 啶曕啶た啶 啶啶 啶︵啶 啶班ぞ啶 啶む 啶曕す啶距え啶苦く啶距 啶膏啶ㄠぞ啶ㄠぞ啷

啶啶班ざ啶? 啶ぐ 啶灌ぎ啶膏 啶膏啶ぐ啷嵿 啶曕ぐ啷囙 admin@icom.vic.edu.au
